Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Experiment

Consider this my experiment. I have wanted to write a blog for a long time, to set some positive thoughts out into the air, tell some stories about my career, share some lessons.......

Let me tell you a little about myself.
I am retired after teaching visual art in the public schools for 30+ years. I've taught K-12, college, and adult classes (not all at the same time) so that's around 4,600 different students (?!).  By the end of my teaching tenure I was teaching my former students' children, and some of my teaching colleagues were once my students (and one of my administrators was a former student!) I must have survived 400 inservice/professional development days, not counting the PD I took in the summers, or the courses for Masters + 45 credits- and NBCT credentials........
I now am an OWL.  Old Wise Lady. One of my dear friends christened me thus, and it sounds better than Crone. Here I am with all this experience and insight- and a desire to share.
Is there someone out there who wants to listen?